Sunday, December 20, 2009

Things To Do To Stop Global Warming

Global warming is the increase of the Earth’s temperature which causes the change in climate. All living creatures in our planet are affected by this great change. They say, we humans are a big contributor to global warming. But I say we humans can also be a great contributor to lessen and even stop global warming. How? There are plenty of things we can do to stop or lessen global warming. Let us not wait for governments to make an action to this problem, because we ourselves can help and can contribute simple actions that can help reduce global warming. Here are some of those:

1. Plant a tree. Trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide (a major contributor to greenhouse effect and global warming) and in return gives off oxygen. A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime.

2. Reuse. As much as possible reuse what you can. Like shopping bags and other disposable products. Waste produces carbon dioxide and methane. It can also cause pollution to soil, air and water.

3. Reduce. Let us reduce our use of disposable products. Try those that are reusable . It will not only save energy in the production of a new product, but will also save you money. So next time you shop, try to bring your reusable bag or clothe bag instead of accepting disposable bags/plastic bags.

4. Recycle. If possible, try to recycle everything like paper, plastic, glass, cans, newspapers and even organic waste. Use recycling bins, composting etc. Make the most of scrap papers for notes, list, scrapbooks, telephone messages etc. Use paper thoroughly before recycling them.

5. Conserve Energy.
- Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL). It uses less energy and gives less heat. It will not only save you money but can also get rid of billions of pounds of greenhouse gases.
- Do not leave appliances in standby mode. TVs in standby mode still uses energy. Turn it off when not in use and unplug it. It saves energy and money.
- Use less hot water. It requires a lot of energy in order to heat water. Keep your water heater insulated.
- Cover pots while cooking. It also saves a lot of energy.
- Drive less. If possible, when your destination is near try to walk or ride a bike. It gives you the exercise your body needs, you helped reduce carbon dioxide emission, and you save money for your fuel.
- Share a ride. When going to school or going to work, you can try sharing a ride to your classmates and friends instead of using two or more cars. It saves fuel, energy and money.

6. Buy recycled products. Recycled papers are as good as new ones. Buying them will conserve trees and reduces energy required to make new papers.

7. Try using refills. Instead of buying a new cartridge for your printer if possible, refill it first. Make the most out of it. Also, instead of buying bottled water again and again, why not buy a tumbler or a reusable bottle so you can just refill it at home. It does not only save you a lot of money, but you helped reduce pollution and waste and saves energy.

8. Eat lesser meat. Don’t you know that large amounts of fuels are being used for delivering fertilizers for livestock’s feeds? And shipping that feeds to a livestock farm. After that you deliver the farm animals to the slaughter house then to the market and groceries. Also, choosing vegetarian foods reduces agricultural water consumption and land use. It gives us good health, way much cheaper than meat and helps our environment.

9. Help conserve and protect our forest. Since trees absorb carbon dioxide, without it, global warming will only get worst. Try to join organizations that help protect our environment and participate on their activities like tree planting, clean and green programs etc.

10. Sharing. Share information about the things you have learned in global warming and how to stop it. Encourage them to reduce, reuse and recycle. Enlighten as many people as you can and help them to do their part for our planet. Feel free to share this article.

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